When Small Happiness Found Us
The Little Visitor

In the hydrangea garden

Being with you

Joy in May

A Quiet Walk


You Are My Moon, You Are My Star

Breeze in a Bowl

By Your Side

The Moon and I



The Place Where The Wind Blows

April Showers


When The Wind Became a Whisper

Late April

A Snowy Day

Folded Memories

Small but certain happiness II

Small but certain happiness(click image for full view)

Folding pieces of days (click image for full view)

The name of the heart(click image for full view)

soft breeze

A warm breeze(click image for full view)

The windy day

family(click image for full view)

Lean on me


The opening

Gentle breeze(click image for full view)
The road trip(click image for full view)

The house in his hand

The house waiting for loved one